We celebrate many culturally significant holidays and religious festivals throughout the year. These special occasions bring us together with our family, friends, and communities to share joy, love, and unity. Whether it’s Christmas, Black History Month, Groundhog Day, or other cultural celebrations, each holiday has its unique traditions and customs that reflect the values and beliefs of a particular culture or religion. That’s why today, from the World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content, The Daily Top 10, we are about to share with you the Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Isra’ and Mi’raj Night.

Isra’ and Mi’raj Night is not only a significant religious event but also an important cultural event for Muslims worldwide. The night holds a special place in Islamic culture, and it is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in many countries. People commemorate the event in various ways, such as holding public lectures, reciting special prayers, and decorating their homes and mosques with lights and ornaments. The main purpose of celebrating this event is to commemorate the great journey of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to the several stages of heaven.
So, if you want to know about the miraculous occurrence and why people all over the world are celebrating this event, continue reading the article which includes the Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Isra’ and Mi’raj Night. But before that, check out the Top 10 Best and Most Unique Cultural Traditions Around the World.
What is the Main Reason Why We Celebrate Isra’ and Mi’raj Night?
We eagerly wait for the annual cultural events, preparing special dishes, decorating our homes, and dressing up in new clothes. We proved this through our Chinese New Year Day Post.
So, according to Muslim Hands, Isra’ and Mi’raj is a major holiday that is celebrated on the 27th of Rajab, which means the 7th month of the Islamic calendar. This is one of the miraculous nights that holds such significance, as the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was blessed with the precious gift of fifty prayers. Accordingly, the daily prayers of Muslims were obligatory during this historical event.

So, before we identify the best reason to celebrate this event, let’s check out the rest of the reasons on our list. If you are eager to explore more cultures and traditions, read out the Top 10 Best Christmas Eve Traditions From Around the World also.
TOP 10: Purification of the Soul

In reference to Islamic Beliefs, during the Isra’ and Mi’raj journey, the angel Gabriel took the Prophet Muhammad to the Holy Kaaba first. There he split the chest of the Prophet Muhammad and removed His heart and washed it with Zamzam water. The purpose of this incident was to make his soul completely pure before he entered the heavens.
This event gives the lesson that humans need to purify their souls to attain lasting prosperity. So, during the day of Isra’ and Mi’raj, people used to do spiritual works that made their souls pure. According to the Quran ‘Verily, he [truly] prospers who purifies himself.’ (Al-Quran) the secret of success in Islam is to purify your soul.
TOP 9: Prove the Beliefs

The Isra’ and Mi’raj journey of Prophet Muhammad was completely a test for mankind. After the Isra’ and Mi’raj journey of Prophet Muhammad, he told about this in Makkah, some didn’t believe and some remained faithful to the Prophet. Throughout this event, Allah decided to test the believers whether they will believe in what he said or not.
As stated in National Today, the true followers of the Prophet used to believe this incident in the same way nowadays also. And they believe all of them will be tested whether they are believers or not. True Muslims will believe and celebrate the Isra’ and Mi’raj night to prove themselves as real Muslims.
TOP 8: Commemorate the Life After Death

Muslims believe that they have a life after death when a human being dies. Death is just the beginning of the journey according to their beliefs to the permanent home in the afterlife. According to Islam, the human soul returns to its creator and waits till the Day Of Judgement.
It was recorded during the Journey of Mi’raj the Prophet Muhammad was also taken to heaven and hell by the Angel Gabriel. At that moment, the Prophet saw the blessing on the people of heaven and saw the tortures and torments inflicted on the people in hell. Therefore, Muslims made this day to remind them of life after death. Check out our Fitness-Health-Sports category for the Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in the World and the Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in Asia.
TOP 7: Receive the Forgiveness from Allah

According to the Al-Quran, Allah promised to forgive the sins of the followers of the Prophet Muhammad except those who died associating partners with Allah. As a result, people used to worship Allah and do good deeds as much as possible on this day to be forgiven. Especially, people fast on this day and ask for forgiveness.
Additionally, Prophet Muhammad said: “Regret is repentance. So, people who used to fear dying with sins and like to repent can use this Rajab 27th as their day to work hard to atone for the sin and get forgiven. All these spiritual approaches on Isra’ and Mi’raj day are considered one of the best ways to get forgiven.
TOP 6: Gratefulness to Allah

According to Muslim Pro, Muslims believe that the special gift and blessings were given to the Prophet Muhammad during this holy night journey. The most precious gift was identified as the 5 times daily prayers. Specifically, Muslims especially celebrate the 27th Rajab as thanksgiving day for blessings.
The most perfect way of being grateful is worshiping Allah. That’s why many Muslims offer optional prayers, give something to the poor and increase other forms of worship on the night of the 27th Rajab. Other than this they know the importance of reflecting on a holy day to learn things from the blessed night which may greatly help them.
TOP 5: Receive the Blessings from Allah

As mentioned in Islamic City, many Muslims like to celebrate Isra’ and Mi’raj by spending time with their families to do more worship. Therefore, recite the Quran and Salawat as much as possible and read or listen to the story of the night journey. Additionally, they tend to help poor people and share food with their neighbors.
Muslims choose to fast on the day of Isra’ and believe fasting during this day is given a greater reward by Allah than fasting on the other days of the year. Throughout the blissful works, they believe that they will get the blessings of Allah on this special day.
TOP 4: Increase the Supplication to Allah

Muslims believe that during their day-to-day life by doing several spiritual activities they can increase their supplication to Allah to fulfill their needs. In the same way, they believe that a special day like Isra’ and Mi’raj is much more important for them to increase their supplication to Allah easily.
As reported by Zamzam, they used to pray naffal prayers on this special day. It means an optional prayer that they practice on special days. Additionally, they send salutations to the Prophet Muhammad and increase Quran recitations.
TOP 3: Commemorate the Power of Allah

According to Islam, Allah has infinite power and glory. Muslims believe that there are miraculous things that Allah can do beyond a human’s unseen eye. The miracle of Al Isra’ wal-Mi’raj is also that kind of thing that was done by Allah and that is a sign proving the greatness of the Creator.
Moreover, they believe with Allah’s mercy the Prophet Muhammad traveled a long distance from Mecca, Jerusalem to heaven within a night. This is also a sign of the great power of Allah, and of His highest position over his creation. So, they celebrate this event to commemorate the glimpse of the infinite power and glory of Allah which is shown to humans.
TOP 2: Commemorate the Life of Prophet Muhammad

The life of Prophet Muhammad was filled with significant changes that shaped the course of Islamic history and continue to influence the lives of Muslims around the world today. When this night journey took place, Prophet Muhammad had gone through an extremely hard time in his life. As he happens to have faced some consecutive deaths from his close circle. On the other hand, he was facing extreme rejection from the Ta’if people. That year was known as the year of sorrow in Islamic history.
According to Islamic Relief, the most significant change in Prophet Muhammad’s life was his prophethood. He received his first revelation from Allah through the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) at the age of 40. This event marked the beginning of his mission to preach the message of Islam and to guide people toward the path of righteousness.
TOP 1: Commemorate the Significant Impact on Islam

The Isra’ and Mi’raj event had a profound impact on Islam. It confirmed the Prophet’s prophethood, underscored the significance of Jerusalem, established the five daily prayers, and created a spiritual hierarchy that shaped Islamic theology and practice. The 5 prayers of a day are the main pillar of every Muslim and that is their basic religious practice. These compulsory daily prayers were instituted during the Isra’ and Mi’raj night journey of Prophet Muhammad. It has a direct impact on Islam and its believers’ daily lives.
When we consider the information in Islamic History, the journey to Jerusalem underscored the importance of the city in Islamic history. It is believed that the Prophet prayed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque during his visit, which solidified the mosque’s significance to Muslims. Therefore, To Commemorate the Significant Impact on Islam is the Main Reason Why We Celebrate the Isra’ and Mi’raj Night with great spiritual significance and commemorate the establishment of prayers.
What are the Main Reasons Why We Celebrate the Isra’ and Mi’raj Night?
The cultural significance of Isra’ and Mi’raj Night extends beyond the Muslim community, as it is also an opportunity for people of different faiths to come together and learn about Islamic culture and tradition. Many mosques and Islamic centers hold open houses on this night, inviting people of all faiths to come and learn about the significance of the event and its place in Islamic culture. In some countries, such as Egypt, Indonesia, and Turkey, the night is celebrated with public festivals, parades, and other cultural events.

Here’s the list of the Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Isra’ and Mi’raj Night:
- Commemorate the Significant Impact on Islam
- Commemorate the Life of Prophet Muhammad
- Commemorate the Power of Allah
- Increase the Supplication to Allah
- Receive the Blessings from Allah
- Gratefulness to Allah
- Receive the Forgiveness from Allah
- Commemorate the Life after Death
- Prove the Beliefs
- Purification of the Soul
Isra’ and Mi’raj Night is not just a religious event, but a cultural celebration that serves to unite Muslims and promote interfaith dialogue and understanding. It is a special occasion that is cherished and celebrated by Muslims worldwide. So, The Daily Top 10 Team hopes you may enjoy our list of the Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Isra’ and Mi’raj Night and we hope you will share your experience during the festival through our Facebook Page. Do you like to read more articles like this? Then check out the Top 10 Biggest Sports Events You Must Witness in 2023 and Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate World Cancer Day.

Author: Saumya M.
Saumya M. is a passionate content writer known for her impeccable storytelling and research. She has covered topics ranging from travel and lifestyle to entertainment, community, and education. She helps people live their best lives and reach their full potential.
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