Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities

Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities

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Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities 595
Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities 597
Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities 599

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Jo S., Faheem H., and Marc T.

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Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities 595
Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities 597
Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities 599

Jo S., Faheem H., and Marc T.

You might have already read our articles on the Top 10 Best and Most Popular Universities in Australia, the Top 10 Best Universities for Special Education in Asia, and the Top 10 Best Technology Colleges in Asia. But do you know about Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities? Don’t worry, through the World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content, The Daily Top 10, we will explore the Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities.

Similar to the Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Social Justice Day, and the Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the US marks an annual federal holiday commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as an advocate of civil rights activism and leadership, marking his birthday (January 15). On this occasion, we can reflect upon his contributions to civil rights activism as well as the advocacy work he undertook during his lifetime and advocated on our behalf for social justice causes he championed during his lifetime.

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Image Source: Pexels

So, this article explores what the Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities exist! But before that, go through the Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in Germany.

What is the Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activity?

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Image Source: Pexels

Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities teaches children how to allow for sharing of thoughts and insights, reflect upon values such as nonviolence and justice. Students will also engage in dialogue about important social justice issues raised afterward during discussion. For your additional knowledge, check out the Top 10 World’s Best Education News and Trends in 2023.

Before we identify the Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activity, let’s check out the rest of the other activities! You can also learn about the Top 10 Major Reasons Why Homework Should be Banned.


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Assembly

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Image Source: BBC

BBC says holding a Martin Luther King Jr. Day assembly can provide high school students with an ideal way to commemorate him. It also helps to reflect upon his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement. A typical assembly might feature student performances like poetry readings, musical performances, dramatic presentations, or dramatic readings.

More activities that celebrate and further his message for social justice and equality can be added as well. Guest speakers might be invited in order to offer insight into his legacy as well as issues concerning social justice today in contemporary society. Additionally, a moment of silence or reflection may also be observed to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. as well as remember those who fought hard on behalf of civil rights causes!


Social Justice Book Club

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Image Source: Browni City

Social justice book clubs provide high school students with an engaging way of exploring vital social justice issues. It has helps to develop greater insight into marginalized communities’ struggles and achievements. By reading and discussing books related to civil rights and social justice, students can engage with complex topics while benefitting from learning about others’ experiences.

According to Browni City,  this activity will foster critical thinking, empathy, and awareness of such matters. This will be achieved by prompting reflection upon both historical and modern-day manifestations. It will also consider roles they themselves play in furthering justice and equity.


Documentary Screening and Discussion

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Image Source: Psu Edu

High school students can be provided with a unique educational opportunity about a crucial period in American history. Psu Edu mentioned that this can be achieved by screening a documentary on the Civil Rights Movement or Martin Luther King Jr’s life and legacy. Documentaries offer students a visual, engaging way of exploring historical figures and events from this era.

This will give students greater insights into social, political, and cultural contexts in which these events took place. Each screening session will be concluded with a discussion regarding themes or significance from the film screened. This will allow for sharing thoughts, and insights, or engaging in dialogue about important social justice issues raised during its discussion afterward.


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Essay Competition

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Image Source: Engage Davenport

A Martin Luther King Jr. Day essay contest provides high school students with a meaningful way of engaging with Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. It also gives them a chance to explore its relevance in today’s events and issues. An essay competition can encourage participants to reflect upon their values such as nonviolence, justice, and equality.

Engage Davenport says that this kind of activity also provides an avenue to discuss ways they might apply them to contemporary social and political issues. This activity encourages critical thinking, research skills, and effective writing. This is because students are challenged to articulate their views on complex subjects while supporting them with evidence.


Civil Rights Art Project

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Image Source: Deep Space Sparkle

Civil rights art projects provide high school students with an engaging and creative way to learn about Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. It also provides a meaningful way for students to learn about the Civil Rights Movement. Students can create art pieces that represent movement values such as justice, equality, and nonviolence using paintings, drawings sculptures, or mixed media pieces that they display around school or in a public place.

Deep Space Sparkle opines that this activity encourages creativity, critical thinking, and artistic expression among students. During this project, the students use their artistic talent to craft thought-provoking art pieces that inspire reflection and discuss what inspired their creation. Furthermore, sharing student artwork allows reflection upon it while discussing why its creation matters to everyone involved.


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Community Service Project

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Image Source: Signup Genius

Organizing a community service project to mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day can help high school students connect with and honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy in an engaging way. Students could participate in volunteering activities like serving soup at local soup kitchens, organizing clothing drives, or cleaning up parks. This activity encourages teamwork, leadership development, and social responsibility.

The community service projects Signup Genius reported that, inspires students to make positive strides forward toward creating positive change within their local communities. Participating in community service projects on Martin Luther King Jr. Day can foster empathy and understanding of the challenges experienced by marginalized communities. By volunteering at local soup kitchens, for instance, students gain direct experience of issues associated with poverty and hunger – as well as ways to help support those in need.


Letter Writing Campaign

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Image Source: Edition CNN

Engaging high school students in social justice causes can be a potent approach to building civic engagement. It teaches them to advance significant issues, such as suffrage and immigration reform. By inspiring them to champion their viewpoints on these subjects, we can facilitate their comprehension of the democratic process and cultivate essential abilities for political involvement.

Through letter-writing campaigns, pupils can acquire the art of articulating their opinions cogently. It teaches them to acquire knowledge of how to interact with government officials and other decision-makers. As stated on Edition CNN, this process also acquaints them with the significance of civic participation and the part that citizens can play in shaping policy and implementing reform.


Diversity and Inclusion Workshop

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Image Source: Diversity Gatech

Diversity and inclusion are vital ingredients in creating an open and welcoming community where members from diverse backgrounds feel respected and appreciated. Teachers or employers in either classroom or workplace settings can conduct workshops promoting diversity and inclusion. The essence, according to Diversity Gatech, is to teach individuals the significance of understanding and respecting different cultures, religions, and backgrounds.

The workshop can begin with an examination of what diversity and inclusion mean and their value in creating an ideal work environment. Next, the various dimensions such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion as they pertain to diversity will be explored. This will provide participants with insights into challenges they encounter as individuals from varying backgrounds; while also helping promote mutual respect.


Civil Rights Movement Timeline

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Image Source: Speakeasy News

The Civil Rights Movement in America marked an integral moment in its fight for racial equality and justice. This began around 1955 and lasted for several years until 1967 when all Americans gained equal rights under U.S law. A historic timeline of the Civil Rights Movement would include key events, including those such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, Little Rock Nine in 1957.

Speakeasy-News mentioned the timeline includes Greensboro Sit-ins in 1960, March on Washington in 1963. Also on the timeline would be the Civil Rights Act 1964 (Voting Rights Act), the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr in 1968, etc. These milestones that helped in shaping and furthering equality and justice throughout its entirety are integral in creating its trajectory today.


Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" Speech

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Image Source: Britannica

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech remains one of the most iconic and significant moments in American history. Delivered at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, it became emblematic of Civil Rights activism at that time and remains relevant today. Accordingly, analysis of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” Speech is the best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activity.

Teachers may assign students the task of listening or reading the speech and analyzing its literary devices, historical context, and rhetorical strategies used by Dr. King in conveying his message. Students analyzing this speech can identify its use of metaphors, similes, alliteration, and repetition; literary techniques. They will also identify its historical setting including social and political climate and overall goals of the Civil Rights Movement, so says Britannica.

What Are The Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities?

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Image Source: Pexels

Attracting students’ attention with meaningful Martin Luther King Jr. Day high school activities can serve as an effective and useful resource for educators looking for effective methods of commemorating Dr. King and his legacy. High school activities that explore him can range from studying his speeches, investigating the Civil Rights Movement, and participating in community service projects to encouraging diversity and inclusivity by hosting essay contests or organizing assemblies or events to remember his impactful life story.

The Following Are the Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities:

  1. Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” Speech
  2. Civil Rights Movement Timeline
  3. Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
  4. Letter Writing Campaign
  5. MLK Jr. Day Community Service Project
  6. Civil Rights Art Project
  7. MLK Jr. Day Essay Competition
  8. Documentary Screening and Discussion
  9. Social Justice Book Club
  10. MLK Jr. Day Assembly

Overall, there are numerous powerful and meaningful ways that one can honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s life and legacy.

These activities will educate and incite students to carry on Dr. King’s legacy and work for social justice and equality for all.

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Top 10 Best Martin Luther King Jr. Day High School Activities


Saumya M.
Author: Saumya M.

Saumya M. is a passionate content writer known for her impeccable storytelling and research. She has covered topics ranging from travel and lifestyle to entertainment, community, and education. She helps people live their best lives and reach their full potential.

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