Adapting to life with a disability is never easy, but there are ways to help yourself cope with limitations, overcome challenges and build a rewarding life. As The World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content, The Daily Top 10, today we hope to help you with easier ways to help those persons with disabilities.
Most people in the world are not exactly comfortable around other people with disabilities. Most hesitate when dealing with someone who has a disability; if you are not familiar with the person, the hesitation increases more. Despite that, you can contribute to grading things, give yourself a helping hand to people with disabilities, and make society more welcoming to people with disabilities by knowing how to approach and support them socially.
What are the Most Proper Ways to Approach People with Disabilities?
If a person has some disabilities, that doesn’t mean they are living an uncomfortable life. Therefore, we should not offer them help by force because they are comfortable in their way. But, properly helping them is more acceptable.
Therefore, we brought you the most acceptable ways to help those persons with disabilities, which are even recommended by The Global Community For Young Leaders. Accordingly, adequately helping a person with a disability is not hard, yet follow these super helpful Top 10 tips that help you know what can be done to improve the lives of people with disabilities and provide a better life for someone.
TOP 10: Elect to Various Political and Government Seats
According to the study of OHCHR, the right to participate in political activities is a fundamental human right of every citizen in a country. Therefore, this particular law shows even people with disabilities can take part in politics. This is one of the most welcoming ways to help those persons with disabilities. This will help them create their voice, and a representative who can feel their pain in their shoes is an absolute necessity.
In addition to this, they can make sure whether the government is making favorable decisions for them. Therefore, let’s take responsibility for voting for a person with disabilities to provide a voice and power for them in the next election.
TOP 9: Donate Machines and Equipment
Mostly, people with disabilities are living with the help of machines and equipment. As technology is developing day by day, the facilities for them are getting richer and more expensive. This lowers the chances of other people having to help and offer them something.
Helping them by donating machines and equipment is also a proper way if you can’t deal directly with them. If you are rich enough to take part in the donation, that will help a person with a disability to decrease barriers in their life. According to Enableme, some of the equipment you can donate include; wheelchairs, physiotherapy machines, crutches and prosthetics, hearing and vision aids, artificial limbs, surgical appliances, and communication aids.
TOP 8: Never Talk Loud in Front of Them
Talking louder with people with disabilities is one of the most common mistakes everybody else makes. Most people think a particular person with a disability won’t understand what they are talking about; therefore, they try to emphasize their words by raising their voices. Not every person with a disability is deaf; thus, this act should be strictly avoided because louder voices can create uneasiness and irritation. This is one of the ways worth mentioning to help those persons with disabilities.
TOP 7: Don’t Lean on Wheelchairs
Another common error that people make without knowledge is leaning on wheelchairs. We thought to rank this fact as number 7 in our list of Top 10 proper ways to help those persons with disabilities to create awareness.
This may happen at home or in a crowded place. People see the wheelchair as a convenient object to lean on, but most of the time, they have no idea what they are doing. Nevertheless, leaning on a wheelchair makes a person with a disability more uncomfortable, so this should be strictly avoided. People with disabilities and their wheelchairs are not furniture; therefore, let’s help them avoid this habit of learning, as this is one of the best ways to help those with disabilities.
TOP 6: Introduce Yourself when Speaking with the Visually Impaired
Everyone knows that visually impaired people are unable to identify others at once; even if you are more familiar with them, sometimes they may ask who you are. This may cause confusion or embarrassment toward the person with a disability. Thus, it’s good to introduce yourself first to avoid these types of embarrassing moments. In addition, introducing yourself may help them identify who is near and what their surroundings are.
TOP 5: Don’t Take Offense if Some Behaviors Seem Strange to You
There may be some frequent challenging behaviors that can be seen in some people with disabilities. This may not be common to all, but it can be seen in some people as they show functional limitations that cause them inappropriate interaction manners. Despite this may not be ordinary to all. Patience is important in life; number five from our Top 10 list tells you to be patient with them.
Therefore, these types of people with disabilities need more assistance to handle themselves. Accordingly, you don’t need to take it as an offense; you need to understand the cause and situation, which is completely out of control.
TOP 4: Ask before Helping
We all can be kind-hearted to others and help unconditionally. Also, we have that habit of helping automatically, but when we tend to offer help to people with disabilities, we must get permission first. Automatically helping them without asking first should be strictly avoided.
In addition to that, some may try to help with a sympathetic eye. People with disabilities never appreciate sympathy towards them unless it creates guilt in them for being disabled. They know when to ask for help from others, so we can wait for the right moment to show our kindness to them.
TOP 3: Visit Someone with a Disability Occasionally
Visiting people with disabilities is also one of the appropriate ways to help those persons with disabilities to build their mental and social well-being. This act can be extremely appreciated by them. Whenever we are free, we can allocate some time to have a chat with people with disabilities or else can provide them with creative time in some other ways. We should realize that a person with a disability is also a human being and has feelings too.
TOP 2: An Inclusive Society
We can’t prevent people from being disabled, but we can provide them with an excellent environment to live in and achieve what they want. Therefore, a great solution for disability is an inclusive society. The term inclusive is more familiar with disabilities, which is the main reason for an inclusive society. It is in 2nd place on today’s Top 10 list of the most proper ways to help those persons with disabilities.
Inclusive education is almost implemented in the education system all over the world to change the way of treating and interacting with people with disabilities from the basic level. Nevertheless, there is a need to change the entire society to be inclusive. So, It is all our responsibility to make society inclusive for everyone.
TOP 1: Should Not See Them with an Odd Eye
Most people in society tend to see people with disabilities with odd eyes. This makes those with disabilities feel uneasy about appearing in front of society. The perspective of each society should be changed.
We should realize first that people with disabilities are humans too, with feelings, talents, and skills; the only difference is they are in a wheelchair. This is the first and foremost thing that should be changed in each one. Therefore, we ranked this fact number one in our Top 10 list.
Why Should You Properly Help People With Disabilities?
All societies have similarities and differences, and the society is complete, including people with disabilities. By following these Top 10 most proper ways to help those persons with disabilities, you should be able to accept individual differences and help them in proper ways to celebrate each other for who we indeed are.
Follow these Top 10 countdown to empower yourself to change society and the generation to come:
- Should Not See Them with an Odd Eye
- An Inclusive Society
- Visit Someone with a Disability Occasionally
- Ask before Helping
- Don’t Take Offense if Some Behaviors Seem Strange to You
- Introduce Yourself when Speaking with the Visually Impaired
- Don’t Lean on Wheelchairs
- Never Talk Loud in Front of Them
- Donate Machines & Equipment
- Elect to Various Political and Government Seats
So, how can we help people with disabilities? Well, we hope that these Top 10 most proper ways to help those persons with disabilities may give you some confidence the next time you meet one. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to explore the world’s best top 10 of everything with a single click.
Author: Jera A.
Jera A. is an empowered woman, a dedicated student leader, and an academic commissioner. She recently focused on exploring more of her skills while also learning new things to help herself blossom. She believes that anyone, from anywhere, can make a difference.
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