Are you looking for the most updated global details? Then hello and welcome to the World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content, The Daily Top 10. In this article, we are going to share the updated list of the Top 10 Richest Countries in Asia by GDP Per Capita.

Asia is a diverse and rapidly developing region, home to some of the world’s richest and most economically powerful countries. By looking at GDP per capita, we can gain insight into the relative wealth of different countries and understand which nations are currently thriving economically. Did you know that Asia represents the 3rd place in the charts of Top 10 Richest People in the World? However, in this article, The Daily Top 10 will examine the wealthiest countries in Asia by GDP per capita, including their key industries, economic drivers, and the factors that contribute to their success.
From the oil-rich nations of the Middle East to the high-tech hubs of East Asia, the region is home to a wide variety of wealthy nations with unique economic characteristics and, before we say, guess the Top 10 Richest Countries in Asia by GDP Per Capita.
What is the Richest Country in Asia by GDP Per Capita?
In Asia, some countries own most of the shares of the world economy. But among these countries, only a few got the chance to be included in the Top 10 Richest Countries In Asia by GDP per Capita list. Every nation tries to raise its economy by enhancing the GDP day by day and it is the gross domestic product divided by midyear population. So, let’s see which countries are on the list now! But make sure to read the Top 10 list of Richest People in Asia.

What are your nominees? Before we look into the Richest Country in Asia, let’s have a look at the rest of the countries on our list now!
TOP 10: Saudi Arabia ($23,585 GDP Per Capita)

Saudi Arabia is considered a wealthy country in Western Asia with its large reserves of oil and gas, which have caused economic growth and development. The oil and gas sector accounts for the majority of Saudi Arabia’s GDP and exports, and the country is the world’s largest oil exporter. The Saudi government has also been investing heavily in diversifying its economy, with a focus on sectors such as renewable energy, tourism, and technology.
Additionally, Saudi Arabia has a high standard of living, with well-developed infrastructure and public services. According to World Data, Saudi Arabia is a developing country and with a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.875, it counts as one of the most highly developed economies by the UN definition which is among the 30 richest countries in the world and, with an average annual income of 21,540 USD is one of the high-income countries.
TOP 9: Brunei ($31,722 GDP Per Capita)

Brunei is a tiny island located in Southeast Asia that is among the strongest economies in Asia with a $31,722 GDP Per Capita. It is known for its wealth, which comes primarily from its abundant reserves of oil and natural gas. Wikipedia states that almost over half of Brunei’s GDP comes from the petroleum sectors especially from crude oil and natural gas exporting.
According to Country Eiu, the country has a high standard of living, and its citizens enjoy free healthcare and education. As the government provides generous subsidies and social welfare programs, Brunei’s economy is forecast to expand by 3.7 percent in 2022, after contracting by an estimated 1.5 percent in 2021.
TOP 8: South Korea ($34,757 GDP Per Capita)

South Korea is one of the few countries that has successfully transformed itself from a low-income to a high-income economy. It is a global leader in innovation and technology as it is considered one of the Four Asian Tigers, along with Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. South Korea has a high-income, export-driven economy with a strong industrial base.
It is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the G-20 major economies. According to Edudwar, some of the key industries in South Korea include technology, automotive, steel, shipbuilding, and electronics. Most importantly, it is home to major global companies such as Samsung, LG, Hyundai, and Kia. Overall, South Korea has a well-developed infrastructure and a highly educated workforce, which has contributed to its strong economic growth and development.
TOP 7: UAE ($36,284 GDP Per Capita)

The UAE has one of the most open and growing economies in the world with $36,284 of GDP Per capita. According to the UAE Embassy, the country continues to be a strategic hub, with business-friendly free zones and with its rapidly growing economy. Its GDP reflects the rich natural resources in the UAE, which has 10% of the total world supply of oil reserves and the world’s fifth-largest natural gas reserves.
UAE is home to over 65,000 millionaires and its economy is strengthened by economic contributions not only from oil and gas, but also from financial services, real estate, travel and tourism, technology, and healthcare industries. It is also a major country that provides aluminum and cement to the world. Although there is a slight decrease in the economy in the last year, according to Trading Economics, UAE still stays strong on the list.
TOP 6: Japan ($39,285 GDP Per Capita)

Japan is considered to be a developed country with a high-income economy and a strong industrial base of advanced technology, automobiles, and electronics industries. It has the 6th biggest and strongest economy in Asia with a high standard of living. According to Jstor, Japan has a well-educated, industrious workforce and its large, affluent population leads it to be one of the world’s largest consumer markets.
According to Japans Economy, the major reason behind Japan’s rapid economic growth is manufacturing. Today, Japan owns manufacturing brands of electrical appliances, electronics, automobiles, ships, machine tools, optical equipment, machinery, and chemicals. In addition, Japanese firms have countered this trend to a degree by transferring manufacturing production to low-cost countries.
TOP 5: Macau ($45,421 GDP Per capita)

Macau is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China located on the south coast of China. It is known for its high GDP per capita of $45,421 and low unemployment rate. Its economy is heavily dependent on the tourism industry, particularly the gambling industry with visitor arrivals to the country increasing every year. It has also been tagged as the “Largest Gambling Center in the World” because the economy has benefited greatly from the gambling business.
According to Clacified, Macau is also making plans to expand into the manufacturing and government sectors also. It has the highest GDP per capita among all Chinese territories and the 5th biggest economy among Asian countries. It is also one of the most densely populated regions in the world. In addition to tourism, Macau’s economy also benefits from being a center of trade and a major port, as well as from its manufacturing and service sectors.
TOP 4: Hong Kong ($49,660 GDP Per Capita)

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, located on the east coast of China. Forbes brings out that most of Hong Kong’s economy is dependent on international trade and finance. It won status as a major port and center of international trade throughout history and more recently by its role as a financial center. It also has one of the highest Human Development Index (HDI) in Asia, which is a measure of a country’s standard of living. Accordingly, Hong Kong‘s recent rapid growth of the economy is one of the outstanding success stories in today’s world.
TOP 3: Israel ($51,430 GDP Per Capita)

Israel is one of Asia’s richest countries and is renowned for having a high standard of living and a technologically advanced market economy with cut diamonds, high-technology equipment, and pharmaceuticals among its major exports. The country’s economy is also known for its high level of innovation and entrepreneurship. Life expectancy, education, per capita income, and other human development index are at a good value in Israel to indicate the rich economy of the country.
According to Country Reports, while Cut diamonds, high-technology equipment, and pharmaceuticals are among its leading exports, crude oil, grains, raw materials, and military equipment are among the major imports. Israel usually posts sizable trade deficits, which are offset by tourism and other service exports, as well as significant foreign investment inflows.
TOP 2: Qatar ($61,276 GDP Per Capita)

Qatar is a small Arabic country in the Middle East that is known for its vast oil and natural gas reserves and owns the largest gas field in the world. The facts gained from Britannica explain that Qatar’s largest exports, both crude and refined petroleum, bring a huge amount of foreign currency to the country. With that, Qatar has one of the highest GDP per capita in Asia and is considered a very wealthy country.
The most highlighted fact about Qatar is that it is the world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas and the second-largest exporter of natural gas. Qatar has also been investing largely in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other social services to improve its citizens’ standard of living. The Government has also been encouraging the private sector to participate in the economy and reduce its reliance on oil and gas.
TOP 1: Singapore ($72,794 GDP Per Capita)

Here is the most important place that you are looking for. We hope you will not be surprised as this is the fastest economic strengthening in Asia. Singapore, known for its highly developed and open economy that is reputed for its stability and efficiency is the highlighted country in our list. It is recently playing a main role in the world economy and was able to develop the country so fast.
Wikipedia’s facts reveal that the free-market economy with low tax rates is one of the secrets for them to achieve this. Do not amaze, Singapore places seventh in the world rankings too. The country has a strong focus on exports and international trade, with the Port of Singapore being one of the busiest in the world. The country’s economy is heavily dependent on its manufacturing and services sectors while it is a major exporter of electronics, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals. The services sector also plays a significant role in the economy, with finance, healthcare, and education being important industries. Accordingly, Singapore is the Richest Country in Asia by GDP Per Capita.
What are the Richest Countries in Asia By GDP Per Capita?
As we all know Asia is home to some of the wealthiest countries in the world, as measured by GDP per capita. Qatar and Singapore are two of the most notable examples, with their economies heavily dependent on the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively. Both countries have been investing heavily in infrastructure and real estate, to diversify their economies and reduce their reliance on a single industry.

Here is the list of the Top Richest Countries In Asia By GDP Per Capita.
- Singapore
- Qatar
- Israel
- Hong Kong
- Macao
- Japan
- South Korea
- Brunel
- Saudi Arabia
Hope you will not criticize not including the largest countries like Russia, China, and India although they make a huge influence on the world. The thing is when we calculate GDP per capita the population has to be considered and that number is huge in these. So the above-mentioned are the top Richest Countries In Asia by GDP Per Capita. Now you are clear with the Top 10 Richest Countries in Asia by GDP per Capita and if you want to read more and more content for your knowledge, all you have to do is subscribe to our Newsletter! We will update you daily with our World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content.

Author: Fahad M.
Fahad M. is approachable and energetic about resolving SEO and content-related issues. He is customer-focused and always has the big picture in mind. He is also extremely creative and eager to assist wherever and whenever possible.
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