Just like the Top 10 Greatest Inventions that Completely Changed the World, space enthusiasts are always curious about the mysteries and wonders of the universe. So, NASA is an organization whose mission is to explore the cosmos and advance scientific knowledge and understanding. Here, the World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content, The Daily Top 10, we bring you the Top 10 NASA’s Greatest Achievements that Changed the World.

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is a federal government agency in the United States that is in charge of the country’s civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. It was established in 1958 with the intention of making numerous breakthroughs in science and technology. NASA has accomplished numerous ground-breaking feats that have transformed the world and our understanding of it throughout its history.
Hence, we will discuss the Top 10 NASA’s Greatest Achievements that Changed the World. So, without further ado, take a look at the list we’ve provided below and before that, you can check out the Top 10 Best and Greatest Inventors in the World also.
What is NASA’s Greatest Achievement that Changed the World?
For more than six decades, NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has been at the forefront of space exploration and scientific research. NASA’s mission is to advance science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration in order to improve knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality, and environmental stewardship. In addition to its work in space exploration, it has contributed to numerous scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations that have transformed daily life.

We hope you may have already read our previous article, Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate National Inventors Day. And here, we shouldn’t rush to explore NASA’s Greatest Achievement that Changed the World without checking out the other Greatest Achievements on our list first. So, let’s check out the rest of NASA’s Greatest Achievement that Changed the World on our list, before we identity the Best out of Bests.
TOP 10: Chandra X-Ray Observatory

The Chandra X-ray Observatory is a space telescope that was launched in 1999. According to Britannica, it is named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, an Indian-American astrophysicist. This is one of NASA’s Great Observatories.
It is intended to detect X-rays from high-energy cosmic phenomena in the universe. Since its inception, Chandra has made numerous discoveries. It has also been an invaluable tool for astrophysicists, and it has greatly expanded our understanding of the universe.
TOP 9: Kepler Space Telescope

Kepler was a spacecraft launched in 2009 with the primary mission of discovering Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting other stars. It discovered thousands of exoplanets during its nine-year mission. The findings of the telescope have transformed our understanding of the abundance and diversity of planets in our galaxy.
Kepler’s data was also useful in other areas of astrophysics. It enabled astronomers to study the properties of stars by monitoring their brightness. The spacecraft ran out of fuel in 2018 and was retired, but its data is still being analyzed by scientists all over the world, as stated in Space.
TOP 8: Space Shuttle Program

The Space Shuttle Program created and operated a fleet of reusable spacecraft to provide low-cost access to space. This program began in the 1970s, and five Space Shuttle orbiters were built. The Space Shuttle fleet flew 135 missions between 1981 and 2011.
It was a major breakthrough in reusable spacecraft technology. On this historic flight, astronauts launched the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit, as stated in National Geographic. NASA shifted its focus from developing new spacecraft for future missions beyond Earth’s orbit in 2011.
TOP 7: Juno (Jupiter Mission)

Juno was a spacecraft mission to Jupiter that launched in 2011. It arrived at Jupiter in 2016 and entered polar orbit, allowing scientists to study the planet’s poles for the first time. Juno has made numerous scientific discoveries since its arrival at Jupiter.
Juno has revealed details about the planet’s internal structure. Although Juno’s primary mission ended in July 2021, it began its extended mission the following month, as stated in The Planetary Society. Our understanding of Jupiter and its role in the formation and evolution of our solar system has grown thanks to the Juno mission.
TOP 6: Voyager 1 and 2

NASA launched the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft in 1977 with the primary mission of studying our solar system’s outer planets. The Voyager spacecraft were outfitted with a variety of scientific instruments that allowed them to conduct in-depth studies of the planets. Voyager 1 and 2 both outperformed their primary mission objectives, continuing to explore beyond the outer planets.
Numerous scientific discoveries have been made by the Voyager spacecraft. According to The Planetary Society, they are the only operational spacecraft in interstellar space, and they are still sending back interstellar medium measurements. The Voyager missions significantly increased our understanding of the outer solar system and inspired future missions to explore even further into space.
TOP 5: Mars Exploration

Mars exploration is a long-running program to study the planet Mars. This Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission, which launched in 2003, sent two rovers to the planet’s surface, Spirit and Opportunity. This mission, which included the Curiosity rover, was launched by NASA in 2012.
The Mars exploration program has expanded our understanding of Mars. It has prepared the way for future missions to the planet. According to the National Geographic, these missions have demonstrated to scientists that Mars is an active planet rich in the ingredients required for life as we know it.
TOP 4: Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was launched in 1990. It has transformed our understanding of the universe, allowing astronomers to study the universe in unprecedented detail. Numerous ground-breaking discoveries have been made by the HST.
It has also been crucial in understanding the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. The HST has inspired a new generation of astronomers and helped to change our perception of the universe. Based on STScI, the telescope is still in use today, with regular upgrades and maintenance.
TOP 3: International Space Station

The Russian Space Agency, the European Space Agency, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency collaborated with NASA to build the International Space Station, as stated in Space. It is a low-Earth orbiting habitable artificial satellite. The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest man-made object ever placed in space and serves as a laboratory for scientific research.
This is also a symbol of international cooperation and diplomacy. The station has housed and employed astronauts from all over the world. It has been continuously inhabited for over two decades, and its mission has been extended several times.
TOP 2: Explorer 1

Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States, marking the start of the country’s space program, as stated in the Space Center Houston. On January 31, 1958, it was launched by a Jupiter-C rocket. Explorer 1 orbited the Earth for four months before re-entering the atmosphere.
Its success established the United States as a major player in the space race and inspired a new era of space exploration. It paved the way for future space missions too. Explorer 1 also marked the beginning of scientific space exploration, leading to many significant discoveries in the decades since its launch.
TOP 1: Moon Landing

According to the National Air and Space Museum, the Moon Landing occurred on July 20, 1969, when NASA’s Apollo 11 mission successfully landed two astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, on the moon’s surface. NASA’s decade-long effort culminated in this mission. The Moon Landing was a remarkable achievement that demonstrated the United States’ technological and scientific prowess.
It was also a significant milestone in human space exploration. Armstrong and Aldrin spent over two hours exploring the moon’s surface during the Apollo 11 mission. The Moon Landing inspired a new generation of scientists and engineers while also paving the way for future space exploration. Accordingly, the Moon landing phenomena is NASA’s Greatest Achievements that Changed the World.
What are NASA’s Greatest Achievements that Changed the World?
We know that NASA has accomplished many milestones that have changed the world in numerous ways since its inception in 1958. NASA’s most significant accomplishments have ranged from manned missions to space exploration and scientific research that has advanced our understanding of the universe and our place in it. These achievements have resulted in ground-breaking discoveries and innovations that have improved our lives in a variety of ways.

Here are the Top 10 NASA’s Greatest Achievements that Changed the World:
- Moon Landing
- Explorer 1
- International Space Station
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Mars Exploration
- Voyager 1 and 2
- Juno (Jupiter Mission)
- Space Shuttle Program
- Kepler Space Telescope
- Chandra X-Ray Observatory
NASA has demonstrated the power of human ingenuity and the importance of ongoing exploration and discovery through its pioneering spirit and commitment to scientific research. Its greatest accomplishments have changed the world in innumerable ways and will continue to shape our understanding of the universe for future generations. So, if you know more specific achievements as important as these, state them below in the comments section. Do you need more interesting technology articles like this? Browse our Tech-Web3-Blockchain Category for Top 10 Free Essential Tools for Making Money on the Internet, Top 10 Best Proven Tips to Secure Your Facebook Page and Top 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate National Puzzle Day.
WATCH: Top 10 NASA’s Greatest Achievements that Changed the World

Author: Marc T.
Marc T. is the Founder and CMO of The Daily Top 10 | World's #1 Source of Research-Based Content. He is on a mission to overcome the stigma of inconsistent branding, incomprehensible message, and the epic failure in global marketing while integrating the future of AI and technology.
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