Do you know the Top 10 Countries in Asia With Best Data Privacy Laws and the Top 10 Countries in the World With Best Data Privacy Laws? Similarly, keeping your Facebook page secure should be a priority for all users. Knowing that your data is safe from hackers and malicious actors is key to using the social media platform safely. To ensure your page is as secure as possible, here are the Top 10 Proven Tips for Securing Your Facebook Page by the World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content, The Daily Top 10. These essential tips will help protect your data and keep your social media accounts secure.

Despite the tremendous progress in technology that has been made in recent years with the Top 10 Most Technologically Advanced Countries in the World, there are still some drawbacks like the Top 10 Biggest Technological Disasters of All Time that have yet to be fully addressed. In today’s world, technology has taken over every aspect of our lives, and social media has become an integral part of it. Facebook, being one of the most popular social media platforms, has become a necessity for people to stay connected with their loved ones.
However, with technological advancements, the number of cybercrimes has also increased. Hackers and scammers are always on the lookout to exploit vulnerable accounts. Therefore, it is crucial to keep our Facebook account secure to avoid any unwanted breaches.
So, you must know and follow these Top 10 Best Proven Tips for Securing Your Facebook Page. But before that, go through the Top 10 Best Tech Web3 and Blockchain News and Trends in 2022.
What is the Best Proven Tip to Secure Your Facebook Page?
Facebook is a platform that contains a lot of personal information, such as our contact details, location, and even our interests. This information can be exploited by cybercriminals for identity theft, phishing scams, and other fraudulent activities. So, having a secure Facebook page protects our online reputation. It ensures that our profile cannot be hacked or manipulated and that our information cannot be used to spread malicious content. Cybercriminals often target social media users intending to access their contacts and networks. Due to that, a secure Facebook page prevents unauthorized access and protects those around us.

It is clear through their updates that Facebook is constantly concerned about the safety of its users. However, before we identify The Best Proven Tip to Secure Your Facebook Page, let’s check out the rest of our Top 10 list first.
TOP 10: Hide Your Phone Number

According to Internetically9, any Facebook user can find your mobile number if you don’t disable this setting. It can be set up by the following steps. Go to the Facebook profile page by clicking on the top left sidebar and then click on the ABOUT option. Then your phone number will appear on the side, go to it and select the edit option. Then on the next page, when you click on your number, you can choose who you want to share your number with. If you select the “Only Me” option, no one but you will see it.
It is a solution to many problems. Cases of people getting caught in crimes, frauds, corruption, etc. through the exchange of phone numbers are reported day by day. This is a common problem, especially for women and therefore, you can protect your privacy through this option.
TOP 9: Edit Your Legacy

According to iDB, this is tantamount to transferring our inheritance to someone else. Facebook offers a feature to set up a ‘legacy link’ for your Facebook account to a trusted friend or family member in case you ever die. That’s because anyone’s Facebook page can contain very important information. After a person passes away, their Facebook account can become a “memorial”. It happens after many friends or family members report to Facebook through a special form. When your account is memorialized, it will show the word “Remembered” before your name on your account.
Once this happens, one person of your choice will receive keys to certain features of your Facebook account. You must be at least 18 years of age to opt for this type of inheritance relationship. The idea here is not that they have full access to everything. A Facebook legacy connection can change the profile picture, change the cover photo, write an attached post on the profile, respond to friend requests, etc.
TOP 8: Hide Your Location With a VPN

According to VPNMentor, even if you have turned off your location history, Facebook will still be able to access your location through the app on all of your devices if you haven’t disabled all of your location settings. The only way to stop this access and stop tracking your physical location and digital movements is to use a VPN. All internet traffic through a VPN goes through a private server to another physical location. VPNs also hide your digital movements and ExpressVPN ranks highly among the best VPNs.
As mentioned in Ideta, your data is more valuable than you think. Did you know that every post you make on social media, every purchase you make online, and every piece of information you provide to a website is being collected and stored by someone? While this may not seem like a big deal, it can be a big problem if that data falls into the wrong hands. Because of this, you will now understand that applying a VPN to your Facebook page is a very effective decision.
TOP 7: Reexamine Your Apps

By re-examining applications, you can save yourself from many problematic situations. And this is a valuable step that has been confirmed for the security of your Facebook page. According to SMARTBEAR, reexamining Apps involves running tests against a mobile app to ensure that it meets its functionality and usability requirements and that the app is ready to launch. Reexamine Apps includes both general types of testing and specialized ones.
PWR stated functional quality assurance is the first advantage of mobile app testing. The idea here is that this is an important factor in the development process that brings a high-quality product to market. It also positively affects actual device testing as it helps ensure a deeper analysis of performance.
TOP 6: Turn Off Face Recognition

According to LifeWire, the below steps can be followed to disable the face recognition feature on Facebook. First, select the down-arrow icon in the upper-right corner and click Settings & Privacy then choose Privacy Shortcuts. Under Privacy, you can select See More Privacy Settings and from the left menu, select Face Recognition. Next to the setting labeled, “Do you want Facebook to be able to recognize you in photos and videos?” select Edit and Finally select the drop-down box that appears and choose No.
There are two ways for Facebook to use facial recognition technology. Number one is to help Facebook discover photos and videos you’re in, review or share content, suggest tags, and provide relevant content and featured recommendations. The second is to protect yourself and others from impersonation and identity theft and improve platform credibility. Currently, the only thing Facebook uses its facial recognition technology for is photo tagging, but this may change in the future.
TOP 5: Understand Friend Requests

According to Computer Hope, to see posts, pictures, and videos from other users, you often need to be their friend. To become friends, you have to send a request to another Facebook user and they have to accept it. If the other user declines the friend request then you will not become friends and will not be able to see each other’s posts.
So, Verve mentioned some tips for you to spot a fake friend request and protect yourself. Number one is to only accept friend requests from people you know and the second is to clean up the ‘About Me’ section. Moreover, don’t click that link, and Facebook creeping is advised.
TOP 4: Curate Your Friends List

According to Technology, here’s how to set up and manage a Facebook list:
- Log in to Facebook and on the left sidebar, go to the “Friends” section.
- Hover over that box and then the word “More” will appear. Click on it.
- At the top of the new page, click “+ Create a list”. It has a red button. Click on it.
- A popup will appear allowing you to name the list and add people to it, create it, and find it.
- Then on the right side toolbar, find “View All”. Click it, a pop-up will appear.
There is also a drop-down menu in the top left corner that you can use to select between people on the list and all your friends. This is the easiest way to add and remove people from the list. But remember if there is a checkmark and a blue border around the image, the person is on your list, it seems more complicated. But once you make a list, they get easier.
TOP 3: Take Control of Tagging

According to the Help Center, anyone can generally tag you in photos and other posts on Facebook. At the same time, tags from people who are not your friends may also appear in your timeline review. There you can decide whether or not to allow them on your timeline. Keep in mind that posts you choose not to allow on your timeline may appear in the Feed and elsewhere on Facebook. Depending on your settings, you will receive a notification via Facebook when someone tags you. So, you can choose which notifications you receive about tags from your settings.
Help Center reports that you can manage how others can tag or mention your Facebook page as follows:
- Click Pages in the left menu and you will go to your page.
- Then click Settings on the left menu.
- From there, go to General and click Others Tagging this Page.
- Click to uncheck the box next to [Page Name] to tag people and other pages and finally save the changes.
TOP 2: Secure Your Login

VPN Mentor stated you may recall that in early 2019, it was accidentally revealed that Facebook had stored millions of users’ passwords in plain text. Although Facebook did not find any breach in the database, the flaw left millions of Facebook and Instagram users vulnerable to hacking. However, you can’t do anything about Facebook’s insecure storage practices. You can protect your passwords using a password manager.
So a password manager can create and store unique, strong passwords for all your accounts, including Facebook. This will help to keep your Facebook and other accounts safe in the event of a security breach. A better idea to prevent someone else from accessing your account without your permission is to enable two-factor authentication. This can be found by going to Settings and finding it under the Security and Login tab. And more importantly, you even can set alerts to notify you when an unrecognized login occurs.
TOP 1: Set Everything to Private

Setting everything to private limits the visibility of your personal information, posts, and activities on the platform to only your approved friends or connections. You can control who sees your personal information, such as your name, photos, and location, and prevent strangers or potential stalkers from accessing your data by setting everything to private on Facebook. Some people may use Facebook to connect with friends and family, and not want to engage with strangers or unwanted people who might send them unsolicited messages or friend requests. For them, this is the ideal option to follow.
In addition, according to TIME, by setting everything to private, you can control who sees your posts and ensure that your online reputation remains positive. And if you change this from settings, you are less likely to become a target for hackers or scammers who might use your personal information to steal your identity or commit fraud. So, Setting Everything to Private on Facebook can help you protect your privacy, control your online reputation, and it is the Best Proven Tip for Securing Your Facebook Page.
What are the Best Proven Tips to Secure Your Facebook Page?
Despite the security measures provided by Facebook, there are still some drawbacks that can put us at risk. Therefore, it is essential to follow some guidelines, such as Setting everything to private, Securing your login, Creating a strong password, and keeping our privacy settings updated. By doing so, we can ensure that our Facebook account is secure and that our personal information is protected from any potential threats.

Here are the Top 10 Best Proven Tips to Secure Your Facebook Page:
- Set Everything to Private
- Secure Your Login
- Take Control of Tagging
- Curate Your Friends List
- Understand Friend Requests
- Turn Off Face Recognition
- Reexamine Your Apps
- Hide Your Location with a VPN
- Edit Your Legacy
- Hide Your Phone Number
The Daily Top 10 Team, we hope that the information we have provided has helped guide you on how to secure your Facebook page. So, we are committed to providing you with the best world knowledge through The Daily Top 10 which is constantly updated with the latest Tech-Web3-Blockchain articles like Top 10 Most Trusted IT and Software Companies in the USA, Top 10 Best and Most Recommended Laptop Brands in the World and Top 10 Best and Most Popular Mobile Smartphones in the World.
So, we encourage you to keep visiting our website for the most up-to-date information on technology and other topics that matter to you. And don’t forget to join our Facebook Page to stay connected with us and receive daily updates from the World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content.
WATCH: Top 10 Best Proven Tips to Secure Your Facebook Page

Author: Marc T.
Marc T. is the Founder and CMO of The Daily Top 10 | World's #1 Source of Research-Based Content. He is on a mission to overcome the stigma of inconsistent branding, incomprehensible message, and the epic failure in global marketing while integrating the future of AI and technology.
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