Have you ever wondered what lurks behind the secretive walls of some of the world’s most mysterious secret societies? Today the World’s #1 Source of Research-Based Content, The Daily Top 10 will share with you the Top 10 Mysterious Secret Societies from Around the World.

Secret societies have captivated the public imagination for centuries from ancient times to the present. These secret societies have been shrouded in mystery, with their members swearing oaths of secrecy and loyalty. From ancient cults to modern-day secret orders, these societies have captivated the minds of millions of people, and many of their secrets remain hidden.
So let’s take a look at these Top 10 Mysterious Secret Societies from Around the World and uncover the secrets they have been keeping for centuries.
What is the Most Mysterious Secret Society from Around the World?
From the depths of the ages, secret societies have always been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. These societies, whose members remain anonymous, have been the subject of countless rumors, speculations, and conspiracy theories. Each society has its unique history, purpose, and rituals, but all share a common thread of secrecy. Whether it’s their purpose, their members, or their activities, these societies have long been a source of fascination for both academics and the general public alike.

Before we identify the Most Mysterious Secret Society from Around the World, let’s read on to explore the rest of our list of the Top 10 Mysterious Secret Societies from Around the World.
TOP 10: Rosicrucians

Christian Rosenkreuz founded The Rosicrucian Order, also known as The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), which is the largest Rosicrucian organization in the world. It functions as a fraternal organization in the mystical tradition and promotes academic study in the humanities and arts on a secular basis.
According to Wikipedia, it has several lodges, chapters, and other related bodies functioning in 19 different languages all over the world.
TOP 9: The Seven Society

The Seven Society, which was established in 1905, is the most secrecy-oriented secret society at the University of Virginia. The society’s membership list is a highly kept secret, and a banner at a member’s funeral is the only time it is made public.
The painting of the society’s logo on various structures all around the university’s grounds is its most noticeable tradition. Women were welcomed within the club as well. According to Crismos on Education, there is a lot of evidence to support the existence of this society, but we still know very little about it.
TOP 8: The Tiandihui

The Tiandihui or Society of the Heaven and the Earth, also known as Hongmen, emerged in Fujian Province during the chaotic 18th century in China as a spiritual cult led by charismatic leaders. The Qing government forced them into hiding, and they developed into a fierce resistance movement against the Qing Manchu authorities.
To keep their finances stable, they turned to armed robbery. While some members stuck to the Tiandihui principles of loyalty, patriotism, and justice, others became more criminal as a result of the group’s predilection for holdups in the Robin Hood tradition. According to Bitter Winter, the most well-known of these is an organization called the Triads, which is currently one of the biggest Asian criminal organizations in the world.
TOP 7: The Black Hand

The Black Hand, formerly known as “Unification or Death,” was established in 1911 by Serbian military officials. The Washington Post claims that the group’s goal was to create a Greater Serb or South Slavic state by uniting South Slavs in Austria-Hungary, including Bosnians, Slovenes, and Croats. Members vowed unwavering loyalty to the group and vowed to keep its secrets till death. A skull, a bomb, a knife, and a vial of poison appear on its logo.
As stated in BYU Library, Prime Minister Pasic decided to kill the Black Hand commanders and disband the organization around the end of 1916. Many Black Hand commanders, including Apis, had been detained by the spring of 1917.
TOP 6: Illuminati

On May 1, 1776, the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society from the Age of Enlightenment, was established in Germany. Adam Weishaupt, a German philosopher, founded it as a Masonic organization to combat superstition, obscurantism, religious influence on public life, and abuses of state power.
With the use of ciphers and codes for all communications and moniker systems with classical influences for each member, the Illuminati keeps its secrets a secret. Despite what you may have been told, there is now no evidence to support the original order still existing, according to Ifl Science.
TOP 5: Freemasons

The British Isles and nations that were formerly part of the British Empire continue to be the most popular locations for practicing Freemasonry. Today, there are more than two million Freemasons in North America, and there are Masonic Lodges in practically every town.
Freemasonry has been linked to numerous conspiracies as a result of misunderstandings over the fraternity’s custom of not discussing its rites with outsiders. According to Britannica, the organization was established in 1717 and is still active today.
TOP 4: Skull and Bones

Yale University’s Order of Skull and Bones was founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell in New Haven, Connecticut. Society’s co-founder was Alphonso Taft. Among the Bonesmen are several presidents and modern-day power brokers. Each year, 15 Yale students are selected to join Skull and Bones. Their names are published in Yale Rumpus. Yale University is the 9th Best and Most Popular University according to the Top 10 Best & Most Popular Universities in the World.
Nonetheless, what happens behind the closed doors of The Tomb, the windowless meeting space where Bonesmen meet twice a week, remains a mystery. Its graduates are known as patriarchs, while its initiation candidates are known as knights. Outsiders are known as barbarians.” Skull and Bones’ symbol is a skull with two crossbones and the number 322 beneath it.
TOP 3: The Righteous and Harmonious Fists

According to Britannica, China’s Righteous and Harmonious Fists, whose members ignited the Boxer Rebellion in 1899, unquestionably altered the course of history. To stop the rise of Western and Japanese influence, they organized a rebellion in northern China. In the late 1890s, the Boxers first preyed on Chinese Christians and Christian missionaries.
The gang gained assistance from the Qing Empire in 1900, and the Boxers then besieged Beijing’s foreign neighborhood. After lengthy negotiations, the revolt was put to an end when the Boxer Protocol was signed on September 7, 1901, after the army had taken Beijing in August 1900. If you want to know more about Chinese culture, check out our list of the Top 10 Most Interesting Facts about Chinese Culture, which we compiled for you.
TOP 2: The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were warriors dedicated to protecting Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land during the Crusades. The military order was founded around 1118 when Hugues de Payens, a French knight, created the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, or The Knights Templar for short.
According to History, all members of society had to adhere to a highly severe code of ethics, which forbade using obscene language, drinking alcohol, or gambling. The Da Vinci Code, a very popular book by Dan Brown, revived interest in the Knights Templar enigma. The Knights Templars are said to have been disbanded in 1312 as a result of pressure from the French Crown, however, there is still debate as to whether or not there are active Knights Templars today.
TOP 1: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, more commonly the Golden Dawn was a secret society devoted to the study and practice of occult Hermeticism and metaphysics during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Known as a magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was active in Great Britain and focused its practices on theurgy and spiritual development.
According to the New World Encyclopedia, many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the center of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest single influences on 20th-century Western occultism. Accordingly, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is the Most Mysterious Secret Society from Around the World.
What are the Mysterious Secret Societies from Around the World?
For centuries, secret societies have been the subject of countless books, films, and conspiracy theories, but what do we know about them? From The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to the Rosicrucians, our list looked at some of the Mysterious Secret Societies from around the World and the legends that surround them. In the past, these secret societies have been believed to have held great power, influence, and wealth and even to have been the hidden forces behind some of the greatest events in history.

Here is the list of the Top 10 Mysterious Secret Societies from around the World:
- The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
- The Templar Knights
- The Righteous and Harmonious Fists
- Skull and Bones
- Freemasons
- Illuminati
- The Black Hand
- The Tiandihui
- The Seven Society
- Rosicrucians
Whether or not these stories of secret societies are true, the allure of these secret societies continues to captivate and fascinate people to this day. Even organizations that claim to have disbanded may continue their work, but we may never know what exactly is going on, which only adds to the mystery! The Daily Top 10 Team will share more and more interesting articles like this every day for you. So, don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter to update The Daily Top 10 Team.

Author: Saumya M.
Saumya M. is a passionate content writer known for her impeccable storytelling and research. She has covered topics ranging from travel and lifestyle to entertainment, community, and education. She helps people live their best lives and reach their full potential.
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